Solid Floor (Over Screed) Insulation
Older properties with solid floors can be difficult to upgrade. They are usually cold and can often have issues with damp. Most solutions require digging out the floor or increasing the floor height considerably. Low-E Insulation offers a very cost-effective alternative.
Want to get hands on with our products?
Reasons our customers use Low-E Solid Floor Insulation
Increases Thermal Performance
Stops Draught
Resistant to Insects, Birds and Bats
Occupies Less Space
Won't Absorb Moisture
Installing Solid Floor (Over Screed) Insulation
Installing Solid Floor (Over Screed) Insulation
Low-E Insulation can be used to upgrade any existing ground floors where there is no insulation in place. It occupies less space than alternatives and it is quick clean and easy to install.